Epson stylus CX3650

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Epson stylus CX3650

#1 Příspěvek od marec5 »

Po vymene naplní začali blikať všetky kontrolky a pismeno E . Neviem čo to znamená. Nemám návod na obsluhu. Návod sa nedá nikde stiahnuť, hoci hoci akože su volné na stiahnutie. Náplne boli kúpene ako original. Vraj sa neplnia. Poraďte Ď.

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#2 Příspěvek od rnbw »

Pravdepodobne treba vycistit odpadnu nadobu (bude tam nechutne vela farby) a nasledne resetovat pocitadlo:
Zenal, it does work ok, i have just used it to service a CX3650 here (same as 3500/3600/3650). I use v4.30 of SSC.

On mine, all 3 top lights flashed (power, paper, ink), and an E appeared on the display on the printer.
In this state, the printer will not respond in any way to any buttons at all.

You must install the printer driver first (in case you have not).
Next, install the scanner driver (not essential though)

Now, start up the SSC service utility.

Please note - I use this SSC software constantly, and it can get confused a little if you have it running too soon. I always EXIT from it during installation, and then restart it again once the drivers are ready.

Start SSC, click on CONFIGURATION.
2 boxes appear. The top box shows printers you have installed correctly - you MUST ensure you are indicating the correct one - sometimes XP can install each model twice (oops).

On the 2nd box down, select 4600(4500)(CX36x0) model.
Click back on INK MONITOR, and click refresh
(it 'should' say MAINTAINANCE REQUEST at the bottom of the SSC window - this is ok.)

Now, click the X to minimise SSC utility.

Right-click on SSC on the TASK BAR, and click PROTECTION COUNTER, then click RESET PROTECTION COUNTER.
After 3 seconds a box will ask to confirm - click yes/ok and a confirmation box will appear.
Next do the same again, but click CLEAR COUNTER OVERFLOW - nothing will happen now, it does this silently.

The printer will still show faulty now. Turn it off for a few seconds, then back on again. If all went ok, the E for error will now show number 1 - you're done.

If it's still not working, try again, but it is possible for a permanent circuit fault to occur.

Good luck (sorry if i mistyped anything or made it confusing anywhere, ive not found a model yet that the SSC has not fixed with a little adjustment).

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Příspěvky: 5
Registrován: 30 kvě 2009, 02:00

#3 Příspěvek od marec5 »

Dakujem , ale neviem ako to vyčistiť, A resetovať Ď

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Příspěvky: 5
Registrován: 30 kvě 2009, 02:00

#4 Příspěvek od marec5 »

Ďakujem za radu, tlačiareň som dal do chodu na 1. Vyčistenie bolo dosť náročné, bolo tam veľa farby , všeto som vyčistil a vypral . Potom som resetoval pomocou tej utilitky ssc počítadlá a všetko funguje. Ešte raz Ď


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